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Sadness is a note in the scale of joy
Regret has to do with Then
It is out of time

Because regret is invariably about something that you are powerless to affect, you hold on to it
As if in holding, you can change what you cannot
You must accept that which you cannot change
You may not like it, but you must accept it
Once you have accepted it, you can release it
If you do not, you remain in regret

Precious One, look at all the things that you regret
You cannot change any of them, everytime you think of them it gives you pain
You all have to learn to truely live in the moment
Learn to erase all pain and regret form your life
To be with what is right now

At this very moment, isn't your life in perfect peace, perfect order?
What more do you require for happiness, for joy?
Remaining in regret disempowers and debilitates
Like a drop of lemon in a cup of cream, it curdles the life, makes it sour
Remaining in regret cripples or impairs your ability to take positive actions now, thus depriving you of potential sources of self asteem and happiness

Be joyful
Be content
Be happy
Be in the fulliness of life now

Love, be loved and spread happiness



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