Front Page


I am a being of advanced status, greater than the Watchers
I am one who would be of superuniverse status
My place here in this Great Work is as an usher of this new dispensation that is upon us, and I emphasize this

Yes, there has been a turning of a dispensation for your world, a release from patterns long held

But more, and this you know in your hearts,
such are the nature and magnitude of the changes being wrought here on this world that we, of superuniverse status, are invited to function with our younger sisters and brethren in the ordering of the new ways

You would do well to see that the graduation of change has been accelerated
The new dispensation upon us all -- in the light of the Supreme and his great movements, flowing out from the center universe, going into many forms and flowing through many minds -- is coming to reveal and be revealed here and in eternity

In its fullnesss, it will require the completion of time to be understood by all
What is given to you in your outworking, in your forward motion in the ascension through higher worlds, are the crystaline insights into the eternal verities

You would do well to understand that the old things have, indeed, passed away, that all things are made new
It is not the end of revelation to this world, it is your lives that are the supreme revelation

This will be a gentle transfer and upliftment
Much that is held in the mind as it wxists today is but sketches in a notepad
These sketches will allow for the furtherence of the vision of the totality of the change
But it is living the experience that the change may be made real

Leave then your studies
Leave then your books
Leave all these things into the proper place within your lives
Find not your center in them, but within yourselves
Live your lives as they have been given you and in this will be the wonder for all to see

We carry forward the message 
We carry forward the vision 
We carry forward the glorious spectacle unfolding on this wonderworld, this place of peace

It is this planet of whick I speak that is held in most loving concern by all the universe of universes, that all may live in bliss and harmony



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