Front Page

In the beginning .... 
we spoke of many things to come to the earth and as such it has happened

In the beginning...
much was hidden and so it was to be

In the times of the quickening of man's soul much is in chaos,
understand you this?
This is not a bright time in the heavens as many would hope to believe 
It is a time of great sadness and a time to consider all that is above below,  within, and without

It is a time of all paradigms, a coming together of all knowledge, a time to end the fallacy of the one great god that has wreaked vengence upon the peoples of earth for thousands of your years
He is known by many names, Yahweh, Lord My Father, God of all Gods, yet none may speak of the absolute

The absolute is that force which is all loving, is all wise and is creator of all that exists, and the absolute has no name but a hidden name that none may speak, understand you this?
To speak it is to place an identity on something that can not be understood in its immensity.


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